Quick quiz, which do you prefer:

The feeling of possibility and like adventure awaits, or,

The feeling of carrying your whole life on your shoulders as if you just can’t catch a break

If I were a betting person (I have five planets in Sagittarius so I am, in fact, a betting person) I would bet that most of you would prefer option A.

Unless of course you’re a real glutton for self-sabotage.

The suit of Wands covers both A and B and everything in between.

How you experience energy, how you live your passion, and to what extent you let your desires and passions consume you will be represented in the Wands cards that you pull.

Look at the Two of Wands and then the Ten of Wands. The Two of Wands is that feeling of possibility whereas the Ten of Wands is the feeling of carrying your whole life on your shoulders.

Consider a situation that began by feeling light and exciting but ended with heaviness and overwhelm. The story of that experience can be told with the suit of Wands.

Listen in to this discussion between Sara and Anna on the Wands!

Check out our podcast here!  You can find Magic on the Inside podcasts on your favorite podcast platforms!

You can also cacth the video here on youtube!

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