Quite often we see these posts on social media, sometimes even on mainstream news where people are like, “There’s this meteor thing, and there’s this full moon and the sun is the closest it’s ever been!.” We see so many hype posts around astrology. 

 “It’s the only time in 800 years that the planets line up like this!” 

 And of course, we all start to buy into it! 

 “Oh my gosh, I need to take advantage of this time and manifest things and release things!” 

 But if you listen to all of this all the time you can really… 

 Hype yourself into a frenzy.

You’ll hype yourself into a frenzy because it seems that every other month there’s some big astrological event that everybody’s writing about and talking about. Which is cool! And awesome! And it’s totally great to know about these things!

 But, at the foundation of all of this is who you are, what your birth chart looks like, and how all this stuff impacts you. So, all this hype information does not mean the same for every single person.

 Sometimes we hear the greatness of an occurrence and think that we are missing the opportunity of a lifetime when we don’t act under a great astrological event. Consider this: Maybe for you, that wasn’t what that astrological even was about.

 Let me tell you why all the hype isn’t always relevant to every person.

 It is because it’s all happening in different parts of your personal birth chart. It’s touching on different parts of you. Everyone’s different, everyone has planets in different places, everyone’s houses are all set up different and where the moon is in your chart and what it’s touching on it in your chart is going to be totally different for somebody else.

 You know, we’ll hear about these lunar eclipses, blood moons, full moons whatever, square, this thing, and there’s all this stuff happening, but as I said, it’s not always super relevant!

 Sometimes it’s just about the collective.

 That doesn’t mean that the energy of the collective isn’t relevant because we do play off of each other, right? Whatever’s happening with you while other people are sitting next to you, our auras are sharing space, it definitely going to impact you in an energetic sort of way but when your sitting by yourself, on the night that Chiron is retrograde and the moon is this and it’s the huge thing and everybody’s talking about it, that might not mean the same for you as it means for me when we’re in our separate spaces. When we are alone our energy is ours to work on and sort out our independent magical manifesting, releasing, whatever it is, it’s different than the next person. 

 We want to know the hype because we are collective energy. We’re a collective human race, we see other people, we communicate with other people but when it comes to you using these events, these astrological events, your birth chart really matters. 

 So, the next time you see a hype-y thing coming, take a second and step back and reflect on what your birth chart looks like and decide if what’s coming up is relevant to you! It could be someone else’s time to hustle, and it may just be your time to rest. 


Never miss when Mercury might go retrograde again with our Free 2019 Retrograde Chart! 

Coloring pages and magic all in one? YES! Check out our free Color Yourself Witchy download! 

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