In this week’s Expedition to Soul Podcast, Sara Walka, Head Magic Maker and Founder of The Sister’s Enchanted, was joined by her real-life sister and Co-Founder, Anna Tower to talk about belief and moments in which belief stops.
Can you recall any moments in which you stopped believing?
In yourself?
In a loved one?
In an opportunity?
In something you once thought you knew to be true??
We all have things that we trust exist, in ourselves, in another person, in something higher than ourselves, in magic, stories, Santa Claus.
Somewhere along the way something can happen that makes us lose this belief.
The Santa Claus Portal
Many of us remember the moment we stopped believing in Santa Claus. Perhaps a parent or older sibling told us, or we discovered presents hidden in the house before they appeared in our stocking or under the tree on Christmas Morning.
Anna never stopped believing in Santa Claus. For her, Santa Claus represents an archetype energy that lives in us all and so exists everywhere. We have the ‘Santa Portal’ we can use to make this energy appear to share with our children. We conjure up Santa Claus when we fill stockings, dress up, sprinkle reindeer food, make footprints in the snow, nibble on a mince pie and carrot left for Santa and Rudolf and write thank you cards for cookies and milk in the shaky writing of an old, old man.
Through these Santa portals and this Santa magic, we and our children share and experience the magic of the Santa Clause archetype. We make it real. We make Santa Claus exist.

When did you Lose Belief in Yourself?
Just like many of us have a moment of realization that Santa Claus is not real, so we can have other such ‘aha’ and ‘penny drop’ moments that things were not what they thought they were in other areas of life too. Where things don’t turn out the way we thought they would, where relationships and situations turn out not the way we expected they would. Sometimes, this leaves us unable to believe in this anymore.
Often, we stop believing in our own strength, talents, abilities and possibilities.
This Holiday Season, think about the magic of possibilities that comes with believing in Santa and where you have lost that magic in believing in possibilities in your own real life.
Where have you lost the belief that things can be better, or the belief that you can make choices that will change outcomes for the better?
What has happened to make you stop believing you have strength, knowledge, ability to make a situation possible for yourself, to realize a goal or intention?
What caused that ‘aha’ moment of not believing?
Who told you this about yourself that made you stop your belief?
Once upon a time, you believed in fairies, dragons, and Santa. It’s not that different to believe in things you can’t yet see about yourself in your life.
Knowing something is possible is magic. The minute you don’t believe you lose the magic.
If you keep believing you keep hold of the magic in possibility.
This magic stops when you stop believing.
Just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean the magic of its existence in the future does not exist. How can you hold onto that magic today?
Like The Earth, I take a sacred pause.