In this week’s Expedition to Soul Podcast, Sara Walka, Founder and Head Magic Maker at The Sister’s Enchanted, discusses how being on a journey of growth and expansion can become challenging because of the people in your life – those immediately around you and the society in which you live, how belonging, rhythm and community matter and how we can all use a little ‘witchery’ to call back control of our own lives and stay on a path of expansion and growth.

As a woman especially, it can be hard to know what you really, truly want for yourself amongst the noise of others telling you what they want and expect for you, be it how you look, how you bring up your children, what work is suitable for you and the decisions you should be making.

 Growing into a life that is intentional and Soul-led is dependent on being able to find the space to hear your own voice when it comes to making decisions and setting goals and being able to think, speak, act and move in a rhythm that will keep you going forward in the direction you want to take.

 But this can be difficult when the people around you are not on a similar path of growth and expansion as your own. Being alone in a group can make it hard to feel you belong in life. Even if you are one of the most introverted of people who is quite happy to spend time in your own company, feeling that you do not belong, that you are the odd one out, can be a horrid and unpleasant feeling.


 Letting others in your life set the bar for what you think about yourself can make it challenging to trust your decisions. This makes it difficult to grow when those you love and value and the people you spend time with are not in alignment with the person you want to become.

 Being out of alignment with the energy of those around impacts on your energetic rhythm. It’s like when your heart falls out of rhythm for a second and skips a beat, it jolts you and catches you out. This is happening to your energetic rhythm all the time when you are surrounded by people who are not in alignment with you. You can feel totally out of lockstep with yourself, making it difficult to feel grounded. All of this makes it almost impossible to hear your inner wisdom, your intuition and to move forward in the rhythm you intend.

 Feeling you don’t belong is uncomfortable and so you can be tempted to stay still with those you are with. Thus, it can impede your ability to expand to the next version of yourself when the energy you are living in is not the same as that you are headed to.


 Of course, one solution is to find a community that matches the rhythm and energy you are moving towards. We have a wonderful community of women on their own journey of growth who come together to make The Sisters Enchanted community. They really are a wonderful group of women, and you will certainly find people there you can align your expansion energy and rhythm with.

 Keeping to Your Own Rhythm

 Having a community that aligns with the energy you are moving towards is a really powerful way to stay in the rhythm of growth and expansion, but this doesn’t mean you have to walk away and leave all your existing friends behind.

 There are tools you can use to reconcile your rhythm being different to everyone else’s around you. These are super powerful things you can do to claim back your own control, and your own energy and walk in a rhythm that enables you to keep moving forward towards your intentions and goals.

This is what The Sisters Enchanted is all about.

The word ‘witch’ stirs something up in everyone. Some of our students themselves hate it, some love it. What all our students do love about the word is the sense of rebelliousness it brings in claiming back your own power, feeling a little bit ‘other’ but knowing you are in control of your own life.

 The words you say out loud or use as throughs in your mind can become spells to call in your energy and keep yourself aligned to your own path, even if others around you are not in step with you. Working with the rhythm of the Moon, setting and growing intentions with the Lunar Cycles can help you maintain that rhythm of expansion. You can change the stories you hold in your Energy Centers and explore future possibilities