We’re diving deep into a topic that’s close to my heart—the delicate balance between pursuing our passion projects and juggling all those other responsibilities that consume our lives.

We all have obligations: the 9-to-5 grind, the endless parenting duties, and so much more. But here’s the thing: Why are we constantly told to put our desires on the back burner? Why does society prioritize what we have to do over what truly sets our souls on fire? Let’s challenge these notions and dig into where the loss of magic stems from.

In this episode, we’re all about “Stay Magic”—a powerful reminder to shine our inner light onto the world and stay connected to the magic we were born with. Guess what? That light of ours? It’s not just for us. It can be shared, inspiring others and bringing abundance even in the most uncertain and chaotic times.

Get ready, because our Expedition to Soul podcast episodes will be released in sync with the summer 2023 issue of our beloved Stay Magic magazine. This magazine? It’s like a sacred invitation to honor those moments when our light dimmed and to never, ever bury those vibrant parts of ourselves.

So, my fellow magic-makers, here’s the deal: Our primary job is to keep that inner flame blazing. Let’s prioritize our passion projects, stoke that fire within, and watch as our brilliance inspires others to do the same.