Yuletide blessings, Enchanted Friends!

December, October, and May are probably my three favorite months of the year. May brings sunshine, warmth, and the ability to thrust open all the windows in my house and BREATHE. October…do I even need to explain that one? And December is my birth month, Yule, Santa Magic, and the possibility of a fresh calendar and a new calendar year ahead. 

It’s hard to choose a top favorite but I do know that I loooove to send a guide, playlist, and tarot spread so that you can be as excited about this time of the year as I am.

Without further adieu, I give you, your amazingly magical Yule digital kit!

First Up: Yule Playlist!

This playlist features songs that our community members recommend to get you in the Yule spirit! Click play and listen along while you dive into the other goodies below.

Last But Not Least: Yule Tarot Spread!

Give this Tarot spread a shot anytime during Yuletide! Be sure to share it and tag us on social media. We love seeing our Tarot spreads out in the world!

Tarot Cards (green):

1. How you are connecting to the divine this Yule season (are you lost in the hustle and bustle or are you feeling centered and in touch with all that is)

2. The impact of the dark on you right now (how are you faring during this dark and short winter days)

3. Changes ahead with the coming of the light (what can you expect to change as the days get longer)

4. Your sense of community this Yule season (Yule is all about community! Are you lacking in this area or bursting at the seams and how is it impacting you)

5. Changes you can make to make the most of this community or seek more of it

6. What you need to release with the darkness so that you can make space for more amazing things to come with the light!

Oracle Card (brown):

1. This card represents the Yule log, a centerpiece for warmth, celebration, encouragement, and survival. It grounds us to the earth outside and livens up our homes during the shortest, darkest day of the year. Pull an oracle card to determine the status of your figurative “yule log”. Is there something missing in the celebration, encouragement, and survival department? Or is your Yule log doing an amazing job?

Onward to a magical and delightful Yule season!