Summer Solstice
If you follow this blog, and read last week’s edition, you know that June 21 is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, and will be all set to celebrate the season.
Stonehenge, England’s mysterious stone circle, has long been at the center of Midsummer and Midwinter celebration and ceremony. And when I say long been, I mean since as long as 4500 years!!!

Solstice and Stonehenge
Stonehenge is one of the most famous stone circles in the world. The stones are in Wiltshire, in the West of England. The circle was set up in about 2500 BC, with stones carefully designed to align with the movements of the Sun.
The Sun rises at the Summer Solstice just to the left of a large standing stone outside the stone circle, known as the Heel Stone. The Heel stone can be seen through a gap in the outer sarsen circle.
Excavations have shown that the Heel Stone may once have had a partner, so the rising Solstice Sun would have been framed between the two stones.
Our ancient ancestors likely gathered at Stonehenge at the Midsummer and Midwinter Solstices to conduct rituals and ceremonies for the changing seasons. Stonehenge enabled these important occasions to be marked in alignment with the movements of the Sun.

Super Magical Facts About Stonehenge
Stonehenge is a super powerful crystal grid!
Scientific research has shown the stones used at Stonehenge to be sand-sized quartz grains that are cemented tightly together by an interlocking “mosaic” of quartz crystals.
The stones are REALLY big.
The average Stonehenge sarsen (stone) weighs 25 tons. The largest stone, the Heel Stone, weighs about 30 tons. How these stones were brought to the site and organized in the circle remains a mystery!
The stones hold ancient messages.
There are about 115 prehistoric axe-head carvings on the stones, dating from around 1800–1700 BC. Research has found details, invisible to the naked eye, including tool marks made 4,500 years ago when the stones were being shaped and erected. There were also scores of carvings added when Stonehenge was 700 years old.

How to Harness the Magic of Stonehenge this Midsummer
- Join together with millions of people, all across the world, to soak up all the magic and power watching the Sun rise and set over Stonehenge on 21st June. The livestream will be broadcast live on Youtube
- Make a quartz crystal grid with an intention to link with and harness the power of the quartz that makes Stonehenge.
- Reach out to your ancestors and ask them for a Midsummer message through meditation, in a dream or divination. Write or draw any words, symbols, pictures or images that come to you. Use your intuition or do some research to see if they hold any meaning.
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