Student Feature- Pamela Keane

Meet Pam Pamela is currently enrolled in Holistic Witchery, along with many, many of our other courses! Here’s what she has to say about Holistic Witchery! Holistic Witchery and the Sisters Enchanted have helped me in so many ways; it is hard to choose one...

Episode 95- Your Inner Sun at Yule

Join Sara and Anna this week as they talk about your inner sun and it’s relevance to Yule! What is your Inner Sun? Your Inner Sun is your passions and desires that burn inside you, radiate out from you and make your shine in the world.  It is your solar plexus...

Episode 93- Self Care During the Holidays

Join Sara and Anna as they talk about how to give yourself some love during the season of giving to others! Why is Self-Care so Important? When we don’t pay attention to the things we need for our own self-care we can lose sight of ourselves, our energy and the things...