
Join Sara and Anna as they talk about how to give yourself some love during the season of giving to others!

Why is Self-Care so Important?

When we don’t pay attention to the things we need for our own self-care we can lose sight of ourselves, our energy and the things in life we embrace, especially when we are striving to live a magical life.

During the holiday season it is easy to get wrapped up in everyone else’s plans, desires and expectations which can leave us tired, overwhelmed and resentful. We can also become so consumed by what everyone else wants us to be that we struggle to identify with our real authentic selves and who we are trying to be.

Self-care is essential for being able to manifest and create a future based on our Soul’s true purpose as it enables us to stop and check that what we are doing is in alignment with this destiny.

Self-Care During the Holidays

At this time of the year it can be really easy to get swept along in consumerism, family and peer pressure, people pleasing, preparing and eating endless snacks and food… There are endless distractions that can pull us away from our true authentic selves and ways of being.

We may think it doesn’t really matter too much, we can just take a few days letting ourselves ‘go with the flow’. But the truth is, self-care is super important during the Yule and Christmas Season and the end of the year.

Yule is the time of year when we invite the light back into our lives and create a vision for the things we want, the goals we want to set and the person we want to be in the months and year ahead.  

If we get caught up in the seasonal noise and the ideas, plans and visions everyone else is making for us, we don’t allow ourselves the time to and space we need to vision what we want for the year ahead. 

Self-Care is not all bath bombs! 

Self-care is whatever it is you need to be able to protect your way of living and thinking to be in alignment with your authentic self and your Soul’s purpose. It may be that, sometimes, a long hot bath to rest and recuperate is what you need for self-care, but self-care can also look like,

  • Setting boundaries so other people and their values cannot invade you too far.
  • Saying no to some invites over the holiday period to protect the space and time you need for the things that are most important to you.
  • Carrying a crystal to help give you protection, the ability to receive love, the strength to voice your needs… or whatever else you may need during the seasonal period.
  • Taking a time out in the bathroom to take some breathes, say some affirmations and regroup your energy.

Self-care during the holiday is anything that:

  • Enables you to maintain the energy you need to create the future you are manifesting.
  • Enables you to keep a grip on your own inner desires.

This will help you to start 2021 in the best way possible to make it a magical year. 

Reflection and Journaling Prompts 

What does self-care look like for you?

What could zap your energy and your ability to see your own inner desires over the holiday season?

What self-care do you need over the holiday season to enable you to be able to manifest a magical life moving into 2021?