
Countdown to Yule

There’s something about Yule that is just riddled with magic.  

Samhain (Halloween) gets most of the witchy attention and Yule is sort of side-stepped, probably because the witch is a Halloween token and jolly old St. Nick reigns supreme during the Yuletide season. In our most recent podcast we talk about the Countdown to Yule. Listen below and be sure to keep reading on for ideas on how to celebrate this magical season.

As we countdown to Yule we begin the countdown to a new year.

Here are just a few reasons why Yule is a top contender as the most magical day of the year: 

      • It’s the longest night of the year which means it holds the most darkness  
      • The return of the sun is marked by Yule and serves as a reminder that even on the darkest days, the light is just on the other side 
      • While there are stories of community and gratitude abound throughout history at this time of year, there are also tales of the spirits of those who passed throughout the year being ushered onto the other side with just the right blend of cheerfulness and spooky 
      • With the modern-day image of Santa in mind, consider the idea that he just might be the greatest magic maker of all 

As we countdown to Yule we begin the countdown to a new year.  

The days leading up to Yule act as the last days of the waning portion of a lunar cycle with the height of Yule on December 21 being equivalent to a New Moon.  

What does your future vision look like? What did you learn in the last year that you can grow from? 

Intentions, beautiful intentions, come slowly.

A common pitfall that people make at this time of year is to set intentions rapidly or make resolutions that are obscure and seem to come from underlying pressure of what the world at large thinks we should be doing with our lives.  

Intentions, beautiful intentions, come slowly.  

They are grown from the depths of ourselves through reflection, experience, and intuition.  

Consider Yule more than just a day.  

It is a season. The days leading up to Yule are your invitation to see what was and the days after Yule are your opportunity to bask in what could be.  

While Yule is a prime opportunity for intention setting, it’s also an opportunity to celebrate and gather with loved ones.  

Here are a few celebration ideas for you: 

      • Make handcrafted gifts for friends and family 
      • Sing songs and tell stories over a fire with a warm seasonal beverage
      • Take a walk with lanterns as your guide on the darkest, longest night of the year
      • Dive into some Norse Mythology and read the tales of long winter nights and of Odin and the Wild Hunt
      • Decorate a tree in your yard with animal friendly foods 

Yule is a time to rest, to be, and to, for lack of a better word, let everything marinate. The days passed and those yet to come. Sit with it.  

Here are more resources for you: 

Episode 95: Your Inner Sun at Yule

Episode 86: Odin, Yule and Intentions

Yule Tarot Spread and Guide

Episode 93: Self Care During the Holidays


Find the Podcast Transcript here.

Check out our Yule Playlist!

Anna, (Left) and Sara of The Sisters Enchanted