
New Projects and New Ways of Thinking

This main astrological theme of this month has been the urge for us to revisit and reconsider our past assumptions and certainties and be open to new ideas and new ways of thinking. This week, we see a planetary line up, around the time of the Full Moon on the 28th, followed by Mercury turning retrograde on 30th, that will add further urgency to our need to rethink outdated views. 

The Leo Full Moon

This week sees the Leo Full Moon, on the 28th January. 

You can read more about how to work this fiery and creative Moon, together with a Tarot Spread, on the Podcast and Blog here.

The Leo Moon goes full in opposition to the Aquarius Sun, along with some powerful conjunctions. This will bring an intense ‘push-and-pull’ between emotional, subconscious drives and conscious around the 28th January.

Sun Conjunct Saturn

The Sun is Conjunct Saturn on January 24th. Saturn is the planet of commitment and hard work. This unites your creativity and vitality with this Saturn energy. This presents an opportunity to start on a new project that will demand a blend of your individuality and creativity with Saturn’s work and determination.  

This conjunction only happens once a year so don’t miss out on the opportunity to tap into Saturn’s energy and build something amazing! With the conjunction in Aquarius this year, this could well be a project that will encourage new sway of thinking and understanding or an innovative idea that will benefit society.

Sun Conjunct Jupiter

Jupiter joins the Sun and Saturn in their conjunction a few days later, on January 29th. Jupiter expands all it touches and brings luck and abundance. This is a great day to expand on ideas and plans you made with the Sun Conjunct Saturn energy. Use Jupiter’s energy to imagine what you could do if there were no limits and push your plans beyond your wildest dreams! What can you achieve with Saturn’s hard work and commitment together with Jupiter’s expansion? This is for you to go for it!

Jupiter is the planet of our beliefs and philosophies and our urge to connect with something bigger than ourselves. Sun conjunct Jupiter is a good time to look at all of these and make sure the beliefs and philosophies you live by are still valid and true to you and reflect the person you are right now? 

Are there any that no longer serve you or any new beliefs you need to adopt and live by to keep you growing and expanding?

Mercury Goes Retrograde

Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius on January 30th.  This is the first time Mercury has been retrograde in an air sign since 2015. In 2020, all Mercury retrogrades were in water signs, impacting on our emotions.  This year’s retrogrades are in air signs and will impact us mentally.  This really is the year for us to examine our thought patterns, look at them from different perspectives and rethink any ideas that are outdated and no longer serve us. 

For this first Mercury Retrograde of the year, have a look at where Aquarius rules and influences your Birth Chart. This is where you most need to do the work to examine and update your thinking. 

Use our Mercury Retrograde Tarot Spread to help you get the most from this retrograde season.