
Intuition, Imagination, Balance and New Beginnings

This week starts with the dreamy, perhaps foggy energy following the Pisces New Moon on 13th March. The Moon quickly moved into more the more fiery, assertive Aries which can help us all get those creative and imaginative intentions we set on the New Moon into action.

Mercury in Pisces Brings Intuitive and Imaginative Thought and Communication

Mercury moves into Pisces on Monday 15th March. The planet of logic, perception and communication will stay in this emotional and intuitive water sign until April 4th

This will be a time bringing intuitive and imaginative thinking. You may feel especially attuned to emotions in your own thinking and in your communication. You may be more intuitive in your perception, being able to feel between what the words of you read and hear and understanding other people’s unvoiced emotions. This is a good time to tune in and trust your intuition regarding decisions and plans. 

Pisces is the sign where we lose ourselves in the pool of humanity. Mercury in Pisces can make you feel more attuned with information that raises the consciousness of the collective. You may find you pay more attention to media articles and adverts around issues that impact the collective and may feel that you have a deeper, more emotional connection to the way the world is thinking. This may add an intuitive, emotional level to the Aquarius energy dominating this year and challenging us all to think about things in new ways and change our status quo for the good of all. 

20th March – Ostara, the Spring Equinox 

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th, signalling the Zodiac New Year, when the Sun enters the first Sign at Ostara, the Spring Equinox (Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere). 

If you set plans or resolutions at the start of the year that haven’t quite got off the ground, or perhaps were not the right ones for you after all, today is a good day to start over and make a fresh start with fresh or renewed intentions. This year started with a new age of Aquarius and it took the world and us all some time to settle in the new energy. We have seen some challenging aspects between the planets which may have added some additional turbulence and blocks to getting started this year. Things are now more settled; the Equinox brings us balance between the dark and light and our past and future and the Zodiac New Year brings us a second chance to turn over a fresh page for the year and start a cycle to take us through the Spring and Summer months to the Autumn Equinox.

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, the initial burst of action, asserting yourself into the world, the pioneer of the Zodiac. 

This is a good time to think, pull cards, journal on what new activities you want to burst into and assert yourself into right now.

What do you want to plant this Spring? 

What do you want to create? 

What do you want to harvest in your life by Autumn?