
A week to use your intuition, let your imagination flow and get creative

Venus and the Sun are drawing closer to each other this week in watery and intuitive Pisces.  This will bring us a much-needed sense of love, peace and harmony. 

This is a good time for relationships to flourish and also for creativity, especially creative writing, art, music, dance and anything else that brings beauty into your life.

The Sun Conjunct Neptune Wednesday March 10th – Empathy, Intuition and Imagination

The Sun Conjunct Neptune is always a time that awakens our sensitivity, empathy and intuition but with this Conjunction happening in Neptune’s own sign, Pisces, these will be especially strong. 

You are likely to feel more in tune with the thoughts and feelings of others, and more affected by them too. This can be a good thing where more empathy and sensitivity is needed in a situation, but this is a day when we are likely to absorb all the energy from others around us. This can also be overwhelming, especially if you find yourself around a lot of people on this day or with people who have a deep need for your empathy. 

Other people’s energy could be particularly draining. Make sure you spend some time surrounding yourself with positive people from whom you can absorb energies that make you feel good and enthused about yourself and your life.  

This conjunction can stimulate and strengthen our connection with the spiritual world. It is a good day for reconnecting with any ideas and practises you may not be working with as much as you used to or would like. 

This is a great conjunction for learning about the environment and social or community issues. It is also a great time for spiritual learning. You may find it easier to understand ideas and concepts about occult subjects such as Tarot and Astrology around this time. 

Your imagination will be heightened around this time. Especially with Venus moving closer to this conjunction, this week is a really good week to let your imagination flow into creative projects. 

All this Pisces energy can leave you exhausted and feeling overwhelmed and consumed by the needs of others. Make sure your boundaries are clear to others and to yourself too. The intuitive, dreamy energy can leave you feeling foggy and it can be all too easy to escape into your imagination, rather than channel it into something creative. Be sure to spend some time each day this week grounding yourself, planning how to focus the beauty of your imagination and in self-care to release any negative energies, worries, fears and other bad feelings you have absorbed. 

Moon Conjunct Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on Wednesday March 10th – New Ideas and Opportunities

On this intuitive and imaginative day, the Moon, the centre of our subconsciousness. intuition and emotion, passes through conjunctions with Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius. 

The Moon in Aquarius will heighten your intuition and emotional drive towards new ideas. Jupiter will expand on all of this, your intuition, your emotions and the magnitude of your resulting ideas. You may see great opportunities to set these ideas and plans into motion. Saturn will then bring a sense of freedom from being able to stabilize yourself in your own thoughts and ideas, no matter where they may lead you. 

These Sun and Moon conjunctions happening together makes this a great day for setting yourself loose in your own mind and imagination, mining it for new ideas and then looking for opportunities to bring these ideas into reality.

Pisces New Moon on Sunday March 13th  – Set a New Intention

This imaginative, creative week ends in a New Moon in Pisces on Saturday March 13. This is a great day to bring together all your wonderful imaginative, new and creative ideas and projects that have been coming together all week and choose one thing to focus on for the new Lunar Month. What intention can you work on to bring about a change in your life?

Check out our Pisces New Moon card spread to help you focus on your intention and how to see it come to be during this Lunar Cycle.