In this week’s Expedition to Soul Podcast, Sara Walka, Founder and Head Magic Maker here at The Sisters Enchanted, explains how important it is to be your own ally when it comes to manifesting and setting out to achieve your intentions. How can you become your own best friend and enjoy spending time hanging out with YOU, just with yourself, in your own energy, not doing anything with or for anyone else, just checking in on yourself. 

How much time do you spend alone,  just you in your own energy?

By this, I don’t mean just time alone commuting, driving or waiting in line somewhere. I don’t even mean being home cleaning, working from home or working through ‘to-do lists.’ I mean being but truly alone with just yourself, your thoughts, and your own uninterrupted energy.

You may be someone who does spend a lot of time alone, just tuning into your own energy and your own thoughts. Many of us, however, spend most of our time alone being productive. Even when we take time out to spend time we spend it ‘doing stuff.’

Think about the time you spend with a friend. You spend that time asking about what they have been up to, checking in on them, listening to them while they talk. When we take time to spend with friends we don’t spend this time doing things and checking them off our lists. We relax and enjoy being in each other’s company and energy.

So why don’t we do the same when we spend time with ourselves?

Why are we so often so busy doing that we don’t make time to engage with ourselves?

Busy Avoiding Shadow Work

When we check in with people we care about and ask them how they are doing we want to know the answer. We care about the answer.

So why don’t we ask ourselves how we are doing, check in, wait and listen to the answer?

The reason often is that we are keeping busy to avoid having to spend time with our own thoughts or feeling our own emotions.

We busy ourselves to prevent having to be ourselves.

We busy ourselves to prevent us having to face up to ourselves our shadows, to avoid doing the shadow work.

Being Your Best Ally is Critical for Successfully Manifesting

We often talk and think about the idea of manifesting and bringing things into being. Many of us spend time making vision boards and writing blank cheques. All this good stuff we do to manifest something into being.

Most of us are pretty good at the first step of spending thinking and visioning what it is that we truly want to create and bring into life. We are pretty good at doing the things, like journaling, making our boards, writing our blank cheques, lighting candles and all the things we do as an active act of manifesting.

The step many of us leave out is taking some time to understand and relate to ourselves enough so we can truly trust ourselves as being able and ready to cultivate this thing that we are manifesting into being. This self-trust is creating the things and the life we want, to realizing our dreams, goals and intentions is so important. This should come before you take the actions, like the vision boards and the journaling, before you set the dream into action. 

Yet we so rarely, if ever, spend quality time with ourselves to know ourselves well enough and trust in ourselves to create our dreams and goals into being.  

Trust in yourself to cultivate your goals, intentions and manifestations is at the heart of being able to create the things you want into being. 

For this, you need to understand how you relate emotionally to your own self and this means spending time with yourself, truly checking in, listening and sitting alone in your own energy. 

You need to understand 

Who am I?

What do I desire?

Do I believe and trust in myself to get there?

How can I be my own ally?

How can I be my own best friend?

How can I be sure I have my own back?

How can I be my own biggest cheerleader?

How much do I Believe in myself?

How to Become Your Own Ally

 If you find  the idea of sitting alone, just concentrating on just yourself, your own emotions, your own energy and your own thoughts uncomfortable then you are certainly  not alone.

Everything starts with intention, so make an intention to do this, to truly get to know yourself. 

Talk to yourself, check in with yourself, like you would with a friend. Explore what is truly in your heart space.

Think how you would start an interaction with a best friend you haven’t seen in a while.

Ask how you are, then pause and wait for an internal response to the question. Sit with that, percolate it, feel it, embrace it, perhaps journal it.

You will quickly learn how to listen and get into energetic alignment with yourself.

We are never really alone. Our past, present and future versions of ourself are always  present together in each moment. Call in your power from these past, present, future versions of yourself.  Then use them to manifest and trust in yourself to cultivate your intentions into being. 

If your time hanging out with yourself didn’t feel comfortable or you didn’t feel you could truly sit just in your own energy, without distractions from everything else going on in your life then think how you could do this differently next time. 

Perhaps taking yourself for a coffee or lunch date or for a walk. 

Reimagine a different way forward and do it again and again while you build a new relationship with yourself.

If you get really stuck, do some shadow work and think about self-sabotage and what that looks like for you. 

Self-sabotage is the biggest barrier to being your own best friend, but it is also the key to expansion and manifesting as you have to really get close to yourself and grow with yourself to get around it. So, it can be the key to transformation. 

If you are in any of our programs  you will probably know your expansion archetype. What does your archetype tell you about your self-sabotage and the barriers you could put up against spending time with yourself and becoming your own best friend?

If you want to know more about our expansion archetypes Click Here to take the quiz to discover yours.