
In this week’s Expedition to Soul Podcast, Sister’s Enchanted founder and head magic maker, Sara Walka, explored the sticky issue of self-sabotage and how working with the natural rhythm of the Moon can help you to avoid those micro actions and decisions that build to sabotage your intentions and the things you are striving to create and manifest in your life.

What Is Self-Sabotage?

Think for a minute, what does self-sabotage mean to you? 

What does it look like for you?

We often think about self-sabotage as big actions we may take against ourselves occasionally during our lifetime, such as that one big thing we did to sabotage a relationship, or a career, or our reputation. 

For most of us, these grand acts of self-sabotage are rare, one-off moments that can destroy one chapter of life and we may live to regret, or carry shadows from for sure.

But there is also a more subtle self-sabotage that we all experience daily that really gets in the way of our intentions and the things we are striving to create and manifest into being.

Sometimes, we may even dress these micro acts of sabotage up as self-care. 

For example, settling down to a glass or two of wine every evening may well be self-care, but what if your intention was to cut down on sugar? That act of self-care would sabotage that for sure. Or maybe your intention is to spend an hour of each evening writing that book you always knew you had in you. But after that couple of glasses of wine you are so chilled out you just fancy another night of Netflix. The writing can be done tomorrow, and then tomorrow, and then tomorrow… self-sabotaging your intention to write a little each day.

These little, micro decisions and small acts may not strike you as self-sabotage, until you look at the things you wanted to create and manifest that you have not done. You may then feel failure and discouragement, which can really ramp up the self-sabotage even more.

So how can the Moon help you here?

Working with the Moon to Prevent Self-Sabotage

The Moon is a super magical tool that invites us to be present in our current place in the phase and rhythm of life.

Each Lunar Cycle is divided into waxing energy, as the Moon grows from the New Moon to the Full Moon, and waning energy when it recedes back to the New Moon again. 

At its simplest, you can work with the Lunar Cycle to grow your intention during the first half of the Lunar Cycle, celebrate your achievements with the Full Moon and then have a period of more restful reflection as it wanes again, setting your revised intention for the next cycle.

You can take this a step further though. Within the waxing and waning weeks of the Lunar Cycle are eight Lunar Phases that alternate between active and passive phases of energy.

You can read more about these phases and how they ebb and flow between active and passive energies right here

By tracking your own energies along with the Lunar Cycle you can see how you ebb and flow with these phases. You can track your health, your creativity, your mood, your effort towards your intention, energy levels. 

By doing this, you can track when you are growing in and when you are releasing and how your personal rhythms relate to the Moon.

You can also track those micro decisions and behaviors that lead to self-sabotage and see how these align to the phases of the Moon. Are there some phases where you are more prone to chilling with the sofa, pizza, Netflix and that glass of wine in an evening and others where you spend your evening at the gym or dance class or preparing healthy salads for the week ahead?

How about if you were to allow yourself the cozy Netflix evenings where your tracker shows you need them most? Would this enable you to stick to your intention to follow a healthy diet, or to use the evenings to work on a creative project rather than watching TV during the rest of the Lunar Cycle?

Tracking when you are energetically growing and when it is time to rest and release is super powerful to help you manifest, create and live an intentional life and the Moon provides you with a wonderful framework to explore and do this.

You can get your free Sisters Enchanted Moon tracker right here

If you missed this week’s live video podcast, check it out here to watch Sara show you how to use the tracker to map your own energetic phases and how they correspond to the Moon and then use this to help prevent self-sabotage and live an intentional life.