How to Style a Crystal Ring and Max Your Magic

Think for a minute what you do with your hands every day? From the moment you wake up, your hands are engaged in self-care, care for others, feeding and nourishing ourselves and others, cleansing, cleaning, greeting and communicating with others, carrying out your...

How to Ground Yourself and Manifest Your Vision

Our Top Five Tips to Feeling Safe and Grounded to Realize your Intentions Our main aim, here at the Sister’s Enchanted, is to help people to live intentional, Soul-led lives. But what about those intentions that we make over and over again and never seem to be...

Scorpio Full Moon Tarot Spread

Scorpio Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse The Full Moon is a time to use this reflected light to shine your intuition deep into your unconsciousness and let go of that junk and shadows in there that no longer serve you – the barriers that prevent you from shining as your full...

Surviving and Thriving During Mercury Retrograde

Hold onto your hats because Mercury begins its second backspin of the year this week. Pluto vector created by macrovector – If the very words ‘Mercury Retrograde’ fill you with horror and leave you trembling then you are not alone. This...