
Awake, clear, peaceful, but ready to go.

This is how I feel at a Capricorn New Moon. As an Earth sign, Capricorn impacts our physical worlds and how we are interacting with the material goods in it. This New Moon brings about an energy, a motivation, and a determination to get things done. But, unlike a New Moon in a Fire sign, this earthy New Moon sprinkles us with some calming magic. While we may feel ready to take action and make things happen, there isn’t the wild sense of HAVING to accomplish things. It’s an easy motivation, a quiet one, and a really useful one.

Use this time to set something into motion that will impact your physical space, finances, or career in a positive way.

Be careful not to fall into a old habits like working too hard or being too rigid during this time. The drive to accomplish things during a Capricorn New Moon may result in you feeling a bit obsessive or like everything has to be exactly so. That’s an Earth sign for ya’!

Feel into the easy nature of this moon and know that we call in more goodness when we are living from a place of gentleness and acceptance. Allow this New Moon to ground and center you as you set some intentions for creating the physical life of your dreams.

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