Countdown to Yule

Countdown to Yule There’s something about Yule that is just riddled with magic.   Samhain (Halloween) gets most of the witchy attention and Yule is sort of side-stepped, probably because the witch is a Halloween token and jolly old St. Nick reigns supreme during the...

Harvest Myth and Magic

In the midst of Mabon, we continue to celebrate the harvest! You can find a list of some harvest gods and goddesses in our Lughnassadh blog post here! Let’s dive into just a couple harvest deities and their affect on the ancient world around them! Read on to lear more...

Pisces Full Moon and Mabon

  The Pisces Full Moon is here! The upcoming Pisces full moon may find you full of imagination and daydreams and compassion and empathy may also be heightened during this time. With pull toward the collective whole, Pisces motivates us to give back. This Pisces...

Lughnassadh 2021

Lughnassadh, or Lammas is the festival that marks the beginning of the harvest, halfway between Litha (the Summer Solstice) and Mabon (the Autumn Equinox). Typically, it is celebrated on or around August 1st using today’s modern calendar in the Northern...