

The Pisces Full Moon is here! The upcoming Pisces full moon may find you full of imagination and daydreams and compassion and empathy may also be heightened during this time. With pull toward the collective whole, Pisces motivates us to give back. This Pisces full moon falls right near that Autumn Equinox is a super great time to do some charity work, or even just to devote yourself to something that you could consider the “greater good.” Especially since this time brings balance for all of us. Giving back during this time is an amazing reminder that ultimately, we’re all interconnected and part of the collective!

As your compassion and empathy are heightened, you can find yourself being more caring and tender not only to others, but also to yourself.

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, whose energy can bring us feelings of confusion. This may be difficult for some, but the best way to bring yourself through this energy is to let go of the reigns a bit and let that water energy flow. You may find yourself super aware of your emotions during this time, and the way the energetic tide is rolling through you.  

Water signs are very much about healing, and Pisces is the ultimate water sign. As your compassion and empathy are heightened, you can find yourself being more caring and tender not only to others, but also to yourself.This is also a wonderful time to release things that bring you pain, hurt, grief, as you can glean support from others feeling the healing and compassionate Pisces energy.

Spells in the following categories may work especially well during this time: 

    • Emotions 
    • Dreams 
    • Love 
    • Intuition 
    • Healing 
    • Astral travel 
    • Death and rebirth 

For those of you who use crystals in your practices, consider the following to enhance and harness this Pisces energy:  

    • Aquamarine 
    • Lapis 
    • Limestone 
    • Moonstone 
    • Pearl  
    • Rose Quartz 
    • Sodalite 
    • Shells 

This Pisces full moon also coincides with Mabon, the Witches’ Thanksgiving. With the two energies of Pisces and Mabon clashing, you may feel a little disjointed! Where Pisces is the dreamer that gets lost in the moment, Mabon occurs at the equinox, where we feel the balance between dark and light. Here’s another blog post where you can find out more.

Pisces Full Moon Spread

Mabon is named for the Welsh God, Mabon. He is the son of the Earth Goddess Modron and is referred to as the Child of Light. Mabon falls on the Autumn Equinox, the second day of the calendar year in which day light and night are equal, marking the beginning of the dark months.

Mabon’s counterpart is Ostara, the Spring Equinox, which marks the beginning of the long summer days! Mabon is the second harvest, after Lughnassadh, and is the fruit harvest. As the grain was harvested during Lughnassadh, now we feast upon the harvest of fruits and vegetables!

We use this time to thank the sun and the harvest god for his blessing of health upon the people. Mabon is not only a celebration of the harvest and of the sun’s hard work, but also marks a time of rest. The last few months have been busy, tending the crops in the field on those hot, blinding days. The harvest is now over, and with the coming dark months, there is less work to be done.

Instead, preparation for the cold is now at the forefront. This is a time to complete projects and let go of things that are no longer serving you so that you may feel at peace during the chilly winter months.  

Some common symbols of Mabon are the Cornucopia, or the horn of plenty, and the apple! The apple represents the fruit harvest, and is symbolic of life and healing, amongst other things

Unsure how to celebrate Mabon? Here’s a recipe for our “Mabon Potion!”  

You’ll need:  

          • 1 part apple cider 
          • 1 part grape juice 
          • Cinnamon sticks 
          • Allspice 
          • Cloves 

Pour the juice and cider into a crockpot or a pot on the stovetop. Add in one or two cinnamon sticks, allspice, and cloves to taste! Heat it all up, sip and enjoy! To bring the magic into the kitchen and the potion, consider setting an intention with every spice you add to the brew! Stir your brew clockwise as you mix in your intentions! 

As you are creating your altar space, focus on all the things you have harvested during the light months and what seeds you wish to plant come springtime to keep yourself happy and abundant!

Now, should you choose to, you can also bring some Mabon energy right into your altar or sacred space! You can incorporate apple seeds or any other natural element that says “autumn” to you. You can also use crystals, flowers, or candles in fall colors to bring that energy in! As you are creating your altar space, focus on all the things you have harvested during the light months and what seeds you wish to plant come springtime to keep yourself happy and abundant! Here’s a good (and fun) gratitude practice that you can try:  

Collect acorns or some other similar item from outside. Place the acorns in a circle around or on your altar. With every acorn you place, state something that you are grateful for! Then, light a candle or place a crystal grid in the middle of the circle. For more Mabon ideas and information, download our free Mabon guide here.

Check out the podcast on the Pisces Full Moon and Mabon here!