The chakras are a spiritual hot topic and while they are amazing to learn about, work with, and explore energetically, they are so many ways in which we can tap into these energy centers in our everyday lives!

Listen in on this video as I chat about leaning into your chakras when trying to make scary decisions. It’s a good one!

Here’s a quick overview of how I move through the chakras to make these decisions:

  • Root Chakra: Think on your present and past present, why are you feeling fear and resistance and where does it come from in your life experience?
  • Sacral Chakra: Do you feel passionate about whatever it is that you are considering? Does it make you want to stay up all night talking about it?
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Are you lacking confidence in this area or in making the decision? Stop and visualize yourself confidently speaking your truth about whatever it is that you are considering. 
  • Heart Chakra: Pause to consider whether or not you are able to unconditionally love yourself through success AND failure in this decision. Can you unconditionally love the others involved?
  • Throat Chakra: Are those around you able to truly hear your thoughts and desires or are you finding it difficult to really be “heard”. If so, find your people! Find like-minded people to speak with about your decision. 
  • Third Eye Chakra: Listen to your body and your inner knowing. What do you KNOW to be true about this decision after all the questions you’ve gone through. 
  • Crown Chakra: Allow alignment to flow into your life as you make your final decision.