Things You’re Doing Wrong When Doing Shadow Work

Listen to the podcast here or scroll down for the video on YouTube

On this Episode of the Expedition to Soul podcast, Sara and Sarah M. discuss things you’re doing wrong when it comes to Shadow Work.

Shadow work is this idea that you look at your shadows. 

Shadows are the things that are hidden within you, sometimes buried pretty deep down. You would look at them and say, “that’s not me at all,” but really it is you. It’s bringing that up and just looking at it. But people get really caught up in this idea that shadow work must be something hard or heavy or dark in some way. 

None of that is really the case. 

But if you already are doing shadow work, we want to talk about some things you might not be doing well or could do a little differently.

Things to consider about shadow work and questions you can ask yourself:

      • What makes me uncomfortable? 
      • What is it about other people? 
      • What is it about other people that are irritating me and why? 
      • What am I putting out in the world and what’s coming back at me?

It is common for people to get really stuck in analyzing the thing that happened: who said what? Why did I do what I do? And that’s not what shadow work is. 

It’s the underlying you-ness, your attachment to what you wanted to have happened, the stories that you bring in. It’s not about over analyzing a situation that happened, it’s about learning the lesson from what happened so that you can move forward and move on. Shadows are a great place to learn those lessons but it’s important not to dwell on them.

Listen to the podcast to learn more or read the show notes at the bottom of this blog.