Ideate: Witchery
  • What it is
  • How to use it to create your future
  • Witchery myths

Witchery is the practice of magic. One definition of magic is a quality that makes something seem removed from everyday life, especially in a way that gives delight. Another is something that has a delightfully unusual quality.

I love the idea of being delightfully unusual. 

If someone described me as being delightfully unusual I would take that as quite the compliment. 

Wouldn’t it be amazing to live a life, create a future, and look at all the world as if it were an opportunity for your personal magic making? Your personal invitation to explore that which seems impossible but brings a smile to your face at just the thought of it?

That’s what witchery is. 

Witchery is the invitation that you’ve been waiting for. 

Utilizing magical practices of the past and present we can ideate a future that feels expansive, enchanted, and purely delightful. 

Working with your own energy, natural elements around you, or tokens of intention are just a few ways that we can practice witchery to conjure a carefully cultivated future. 

Candles, crystals, and tarot cards are just a few tangible tools that folks who embrace the wild world of witchery use in their daily lives. 

Nature walks, meditation, and visualization are tools that are totally free and available to all of us immediately. 

Witchery is what you make of it and nothing more. 

There are so many myths around being who identify as witches or those who incorporate magical practices into their daily lives. Here are a few common ones:

1. Witches and witchery denounce other religious belief systems or are embracing some dark and evil way of being. 

2. You must be initiated into the practice of witchery. Untrue! There are many belief systems that revolve around community, deity, and nature that might require you to learn something specific or attend a ceremonial initiation event of some sort, but witchery is not one of them. In fact, witchery itself is not so much a belief system as a way of being. Throughout history those who have been accused of and punished for witchcraft did not identify as witches. They were often people who had an unusual quality about them or who lived on the fringe of society. They may have been herbal healers, single women with money, or just someone chosen to point a finger at. Witchery in and of itself is not a specific belief system. 

3. There is something evil about being a witch. Totally untrue. People who choose to embrace the magical lifestyle of being a witch are those who choose compassion. Those who choose to be different and unusually delightful in their way of being. Being evil has nothing to do with being a witch or practicing witchery and has everything to do with simply being evil (not so great people come from all walks of life, am I right?). 

Working with magical practices and incorporating them into our lives is a great way to actively craft the future of your visions. Why sit around hoping for something to happen when you can actively work to create it in a way that feels unusually delightful?

Sara Walka, Founder, The Sisters Enchanted