
From a Supermoon (or four) to a Blue Moon, 2020 doesn’t disappoint in the Full Moon department.

Let’s go through a little vocabulary lesson before we dive into the specifics of the year ahead. 

Lunar Eclipse: A Lunar Eclipse occurs during a Full Moon when the moon enters the Earth’s shadow thus blocking the light of the sun from fully illuminating the Moon. Those of us that follow a lunar calendar might notice that our knee jerk reactions, deep-seated thoughts, and subconscious beliefs might begin to bubble to the surface during a lunar (or partial lunar) eclipse.


Supermoon: A Supermoon occurs when the Moon is at the point in orbit when it is closest to Earth, making the Moon appear to be larger than normal. Some believe that Supermoons enhance the manifesting power of a Full Moon. Regardless of what you believe, they sure are amazing to witness!


Blue Moon: A Blue Moon occurs when there are two Full Moons in one calendar month OR four Full Moons in one season. Neither happens often hence the phrase, “Once in a Blue Moon!”. If you are a person that sets intentions by the Moon, we look at these types of events from one to the next. For example, The last time there were two Full Moons in one month was on March 31, 2018. Anything set into motion right around that time would resolve on the next Blue Moon of this kind. The last time there were four Full Moons in one season, the fourth occurred on May 18, 2019. So, anything set into motion around that time would resolve at or around the next seasonal Blue Moon.

January 10- Partial Lunar Eclipse

February 9- Supermoon

March 9- Supermoon

April 8- Supermoon

May 7- Supermoon

June 5- Partial Lunar Eclipse

October 31- Blue Moon (two Full Moons in one calendar month)

      The first half of 2020 is filled with Full Moon fun! With two Partial Lunar Eclipses and four Supermoons, you can bet that if you have any sort of lunar connection or practice you’re going to notice a heightened emphasis on your shadow side. These are powerful times of transformation, but only if you’re ready and willing to transform. 

      A Full Moon is the “tipping point” of a lunar cycle marking the end of the waxing moon and the beginning of the waning moon. Here on the internet, you’ll read a lot about “releasing” at a Full Moon, but that’s only half the story. A Full Moon is fully illuminated by the Sun. We are being given the opportunity to release into the ENERGY of the glowing Moon. Allow yourself to experience emotion here, acknowledge the bits and pieces that are aching to be heard and seen but that are so often pushed down and hidden away. Release expectation and uncertainty to the Full Moon. Look up at the glowing orb in the night sky and envision the best version of yourself yet coming into being without the weight of worry, guilt, resentment, or any other light dimming emotion of your shoulders. 

      When we release the version of us that is acting as a barrier to possibility we can then, and only then, begin to manifest the life of our wildest dreams.

      Leaning into the phases of the moon, working with the Full Moon, and slowing down to create space for reflection, gratitude, and big release is essential to the modern person as we navigate more chaos, stress, and criticism than ever before. 

      Put your lunar calendar somewhere where you can always see it, schedule a reminder into your favorite tech gadget, and make 2020 the year in which you and the Full Moon walk hand-in-hand toward the sparkle of possibility.