
What’s that I hear? There’s a Blood Moon upon us?

The Full Moon on May 26 is setting up shop in Sagittarius and is a lunar eclipse! The lunar eclipse may make the moon appear slightly red and hazy in the sky which is why it is known as a Blood Moon.

Eclipse energy is known to be a bit chaotic. And, as a person with LOTS of Sagittarius energy in my birth chart, I can say that Sagittarius energy can be a bit…unpredictable.

Before I go on to tell you what this Full Moon is good for and what you should and shouldn’t do with this energy, let me ask you how you feel about chaos and unpredictability.

Does uncertainty, chaos, or rogue adventure make you feel uncomfortable? Or does it give you a hop in your step and a twinkle in your eye?

Personally, I am excited about this upcoming moon.

I think that it holds the power to unleash your innermost cravings and desires and is an invitation to think bigger and wilder about your future than you normally would.

For most of us the sense of fear that comes with those dreams or sense of impossibility surrounding those dreams will prevent us from visioning the dream thoroughly enough to really know what it would be like to live that life.

If you can get past the discomfort, this Full Moon is a beautiful opportunity to dream up a future for yourself that feels impossible to create. And, you may even be inspired to find a creative way to make the impossible, quite possible.

Some people will tell you not to charge your crystals, not to do any energy work, or to lay low on the manifesting practice over the next few days.

I’m here to tell you to feel into your energetic self right now. Are you feeling like you can reach out and touch the excitement It’s so palpable for you right now? Are you sensing that but afraid to walk toward it? Or, are you finding this energy totally draining?

There is no right thing to do at this moment and the only wrong thing is to do something that feels like the wrong thing.

My Sagittarius self (I’ve got my Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Uranus all in the adventurous sign of Sagittarius) is going to be riding the wave, dreaming up big things, and maybe even changing my day to day life in big and unexpected ways.

A couple of hot tips for you:

  • Look at your birth chart and see what you have in Sagittarius, this is where the moon will be touching for you
  • Mercury is going retrograde in Gemini this week too and we are already in the wake of that event…Gemini is the opposite of Sagittarius so step lightly with communication this week
  • The Ninth House of a birth chart is traditionally ruled by Sagittarius so you can also explore this area of your birth chart if you are looking to dive deep into this Full Moon energy at a personal level
  • If you are sort of into the chaos energy but sort of not into it….maybe choose one magical tool or crystal to work with specifically for this energy or maybe even an image or photo that represents your desired future (focusing your energy on one thing might help to direct the energy)

Happy Full Moon, Magic Makers!

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Since we have a super cool and powerful Full Moon and lunar eclipse Sagittarius coming up on Wednesday.We made this nifty tarot card spread to prepare for all this incoming energy! Eclipses bring about change and encourage us to look at fresh perspectives. The Sagittarius and Gemini opposition is all about our ideas, beliefs, experiences and communication. Where do you want most to direct this change? How will you be preparing for this powerful moon?

Curious about moon phases?  Check out these past blogs on the moon phases!

Moon Phases Series Week 1

Moon Phases Series Week 2