
Full Moon in Taurus, Moving into Gemini November 19th 2021 

Working with this Partial Lunar Eclipse 

This year has seen an exciting cycle of eclipses involving Gemini and Sagittarius. These have bought about a lot of change for many of us and we have one more eclipse left in the series – the total Lunar Eclipse with the Sagittarius New Moon on 3rd December. The Moon is full in Taurus before quickly moving into Gemini, foreshadowing this final Full Eclipse with a partial eclipse. The Sagittarius Moon will be a powerful time to make some big changes and let go of things that no longer serve you with a real sense of finality and completion of cycles and patterns of thought and behavior you want to leave behind in this calendar year.  It’s been a challenging year right! 

This Moon is a great time to start thinking about what could come to a close at the end of this eclipse Cycle.

Challenges so often show us the stories we tell about ourselves that really do not do us any favours at all and show us of baggage and clutter that block us from living our best intuitive and intentional magical lives.  

This Moon is a great time to start thinking about what could come to a close at the end of this eclipse Cycle – what has been really getting in your way or bogging you down that you want to stop for good, with real finality. Is there anything you can set aside and leave behind with this Full Moon to make a step in the right direction? 

You could also think about something that you have been growing through this eclipse cycle that you want to bring to completion on 3rd December. What could get in the way of this? What could you release now in order to get that final push in the next few weeks to see the fruits of the seeds you planted with the first eclipse in May? 


Optimism and Expansion  

Mercury Squares Jupiter as the Moon goes full and the planet of our thoughts and communications stays in that astrological boxing ring with the planet of expansion and opportunities through the weekend.  This brings positive thinking and an urge to expand our mind, study and learn. Jupiter rules our beliefs, ideals and philosophies and, in a square with Mercury, these can come up at odds with our logical thinking. 

The Sun moves into Sagittarius on 21st November, just after the Full Moon. This is Jupiter’s sign and brings us a feeling of optimism and possibilities.  The Sagittarius Sun urges us to think big, to connect to things that are bigger than ourselves – such as spirituality, beliefs and ideals, and to dream up big possibilities for ourselves – then shoot that arrow and make them happen.  

This is great energy to spend time dreaming big about things you would like to achieve and the life you would like to lead, then pushing your dreams beyond your limitations.  Sagittarius thinks this is possible for you! If you can dream it, you can make it happen. Start making some plans to bring these things into happening through this new Lunar Year.  

The Sagittarius Sun is conjunct with Mercury through to the New Moon, meaning they are super close in the sky and sharing energy together a bit like a super planet.  This is the best of all astrological aspects for our confidence and skills in communication. This is a great time to share your ideas, perhaps tell others about this exiting, expansive future you want to create. Be sure to listen to others though. When Sagittarius has that arrow drawn it can be pretty blinkered.   

Depth and Passion in Relationships  

Venus, the planet of desire, beauty and art, is also in a conjunction with Pluto, the planet of depth and passion. This will bring intensity and passion to our relationships, finances and artistic projects.  You might feel driven to intensify relationships which could be a great thing but beware of this drive if it is rushing you too quickly into a new relationship or deeper into something that is not serving you well. Remember however, Pluto drives us to transformation. If you are single or not in a healthy relationship and this aspect is a difficult one then take some time to reflect on lessons you have learned, on shadow work, on healing and transformation.  


Time for Romance 

There are a lot of planets Sextile to one another, with their energy flowing freely, as we approach the Sagittarius Eclipse New Moon. Mars and Venus are Sextile, bringing us playful, sexy and confident energy in dating and romance and our social lives in general. It is also a great time for highlighting and making the best of creative and artistic talents.  

Venus is also Sextile to Neptune, another great transit for romance as it emphasises our sensuality and urge to care for all others.  

Amongst this urge to socialise and have fun, the Sun is Sextile to Saturn, emplacing our sense of duty and responsibility and bringing a strong work ethic which will help us all to stay grounded and focused on our tasks.  

Full Moon in Taurus Tarot Spread

Check out the podcast on the Full Moon in Taurus here!
Watch the podcast on the Full Moon in Taurus here!

Anna, (Left) and Sara of The Sisters Enchanted