
There’s something about the Halloween season that gives even the most hesitant of people permission to embrace their inner witch.  

Whether it’s the movies, the decorations, or the fact that it is socially acceptable to wear a witch hat around for one entire month, October allows us to go all in on the idea of being a witch.  

Whether or not you’re all about the witch word, this is a grand opportunity to let loose and explore your intuition and the thinning of the veil.  

Let’s pause for a moment and explore what this even means.

Whether or not you’re all about the witch word, this is a grand opportunity to let loose and explore your intuition and the thinning of the veil.

Intuition: This is your inner knowing that grows out of both wisdom and knowledge you have within you based on nothing you can recall from this earthly plane AND your logical knowing from day-to-day life. It is the intersection of these two elements of knowing.  

Thinning of the Veil: Think of the veil as the thin curtain between our human world and all that is happening around us that we can’t see. This can include the world of fairies, ancestors, and anything you can think of but can’t see with the human eye. During seasonal transitions (specifically the spring and autumn equinoxes leading up to both the longest and shortest days of the year) it is said that the veil is the thinnest. Over time and with the development of the modern calendar, one of these days is marked as October 31. Another is May 1.  

Make a list of all the times in which you were super intuitive or followed your gut to great success.

Give yourself the gift of exploration and get to know yourself in a deep and meaningful way this Halloween season. Here are some ideas to get you started with hearing and exploring your intuition: 

      • Get a deck of Tarot cards, you won’t regret it! Learn the story of tarot and how to use the cards to hear the truth that you already know. If you want some help with this, we have just the right class.
      • Pause somewhere in your day and set a timer for three minutes. Close your eyes and ask yourself, what do I need to do to make the rest of the day feel great. Then, keep your eyes closed and just breathe for three minutes until the timer goes off. Don’t think too much but don’t worry too much about thinking either (just be however you are!). Open your eyes when the timer goes off and proceed with whatever came to mind for you! 
      • Make a list of all the times in which you were super intuitive or followed your gut to great success (even go back to childhood!). Use this list to help you remember that you are, in fact, intuitive and allow your confidence to shine! 
      • Make a pendulum or buy one and use it to practice centering yourself and being present with the knowing you receive.  

And, here are some ideas for exploring the thinning of the veil: 

      • Go for a walk in the woods or in a cemetery (cemeteries aren’t as creepy as they seem, promise!) 
      • Sit with a tree in your yard or a favorite park and ask to hear/see/sense stories that the tree has for you 
      • Write a letter to a loved one who has passed, light a candle, and ask for a sign or whisper from them 
      • Connect with your past and future self and look for patterns and ties that need releasing in order to create the future you desire 
      • If you’re a person who loves the idea of energetically exploring mythical or magical beings or creatures, or even fairy tale worlds now is the perfect time to live and act as if they are just as real as you are 

Halloween season is an invitation to explore everything you’ve been curious about, grow in new and exciting ways, and get in the habit of bringing a little enchantment to your everyday life.  

Check out the podcast on the Halloween, Intuition, and the Thinning of the Veil here!
Watch the podcast on the Halloween, Intuition, and the Thinning of the Veil here!

Anna, (Left) and Sara of The Sisters Enchanted