One of the questions that comes up the most in emails we receive, in our communities and across our social media is how to get your magic back when you feel you have lost it or feel disconnected from it.

People often say how they were doing lots of super magical things, working with the Moon, pulling a daily Tarot card and then something came along, distracted them from it and they can’t seem to get their magical spark back.

Others say they used to do loads of magical things they were a kid and were super intuitive and psychically connected and it all just feels lost.

We know how you feel friends!

If you are a regular here on our blogs and podcasts you will know Anna has a young baby and, since he has been born, she hasn’t been pulling cards for herself, writing in her journal, or doing a lot of magical things she used to do. Her magic feels a little stagnated or congested.

Although Sara feels she has not lost her ‘magicalness’ she does feel that other things have gotten in the way. In the last year she has been home-schooling as owner of rapidly growing business and everyday mundane stuff had got in the way of going magical things.

Sara wonders if, perhaps, we lose sight of our authentic, magical selves when we are trying to be something, taking on a specific role – a college student living a particular life with particular people or being a home-schooling businesswoman, trying to do all the things. But it hasn’t gone, it is still there, hidden under the persona, and we are a lot more magical than we think! We just have to find it there!


How to get your magic back

1. Look at what is actually happening in your life. What are you doing that could be magical? Have you swapped something that was obviously magical for something that is less obvious but still super magical?

Sara finds she isn’t doing what she used to with crystals and candles, but this is because she lives in a small house with children and there is nowhere right now for her to put crystals or to use candles safely. Instead, she is spending a lot of time in nature, foraging, being in water with the children, making teas. This is just as magical, so she hasn’t lost her magic at all, she is just connecting with it and using it in different ways.

Is there anything you are doing in your life that is magical? Perhaps listening to a certain kind of music to motivate you or change your mind set on the way to or from work in the car? Could you add some more conscious intent here to feel more magical?

2. Consider what day-to-day life looks like for you and what your intention is for life. Are you taking action to live to that intention?  If so, that is super magical – so you are a lot more magical than you thought right there!

3. Think about your evolution with magic. What does magic look like for you right now?  Anna was pulling lots of card spreads and reading for others but can now see that she needed a break from that. Now, doing readings in one of our classes, she has found the excitement of reading cards again. Maybe magic for you right now is taking a magical bath, self-care. If your intuition feels different then explore it, rediscover what it feels like for you now.


If you need to find your magic again then do these three things and incorporate something that is doable for you and fits into your life as it is right now! It could just be visualising with your favourite music or foraging in the woods.

Listen in on this weeks podcast for more!

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