
Journaling! We hear about it all the time as a manifesting tool and personal development must-have. But what are you actually supposed to write in your journal? Do we throw it back to our high school days and write about the drama that is happening all around us? Or is there something more meaningful and more magical that we can be doing?

Here are 5 Easy Ways to Journal Some Magic Into Your Life!

  1. All of the things that you are grateful for and the abundance that those things bring to your life.
  2. Forgiveness. Who are you forgiving, why you are forgiving, and how it feels to forgive.
  3. What is it that you want to bring more of into your life? Describe these things with all five senses. Paint a picture with your words.
  4. Take some time to center, ground, and connect to the divine. Write whatever comes to you. What messages came through for you? How can you use them in your life?
  5. Write your very own meditation! Find meditating difficult? Breathe life into your meditations by writing them in your journal. This is a truly magical way to use your journal!

Head on over to wherever it is that you pick up your favorite stationary, grab yourself a new journal, and journal some magic into your life!

Love, light, and magic!