Jupiter joins  Mercury , Saturn and Neptune in retrograde this week. 


That’s four planets in retrograde right! But hold onto your hats because, by September, we will have seven planets in retrograde! Of course, that doesn’t mean that all these planets are literally spinning backwards around us. Check out astrology.com for a full explanation of the phenomenon  Check out Astrology.com for a full explanation of the phenomenon


Retrogrades challenge us to look at things from a different perspective in order to learn some lessons about ourselves, to see our shadows and do the work to grow and transform. This is an internal, introspective process, relating to the energy and the nature of the planet and the sign it is retrograding in. 

Jupiter, the Great Gas Planet of Abundance

In astrology, Jupiter is known as the great benefic. Named after the God of the Sky, Jupiter is all about limitless growth and abundance. Jupiter bestows knowledge, spirituality and wisdom, together with the virtues of grace,  kindness, compassion, generosity and temperence.  It is the planet of luck and fortune, but not in the way that the things you manifest will just fall from the sky into your lap. Jupiter is the planet of opportunity, helping us to see the opportunities for fortune and abundance around us and make the most of them.


Jupiter in Retrograde

Jupiter will be in retrograde from July 28th, beginning its backspin in Aries, then spinning back into Pisces on October 27th. It will finally go direct on November 23rd. 

Jupiter retrograde challenges us to a period of personal spiritual and philosophical growth. It is a great time to assess your spiritual and philosophical values and check if your intentions, motivations, thoughts and behaviors are in alignment. 

It is a time to reflect and assess what opportunity really looks like for you. Are you missing out on opportunities around you because they are presenting themselves in a way you didn’t expect?

A hot tip is to look at your birth chart and see where  this retrograde is hitting your life the strongest. This will be where Aries hangs out in your chart to begin with, then Pisces in October. Pay extra attention to these areas. What is the big picture for your life here? Are your thoughts and behaviors reflecting your authenticity and values here?  Are you acting with grace and temperance? Are there any opportunities for growth and abundance here that you may be missing?

Choosing the right path can take time, reflection and consideration.  Jupiter, the planet of expansion in Aries can amplify our fire, causing us to be extra rash and erratic. Remember that Jupiter is also the planet of temperance and focusing on that energy, can help us keep our impulses in check.  Use this time for measured reflection on how well you are making the best of the opportunities life offers you. Aries is the pioneer of the Zodiac, the spark of new beginnings. Are you directing this energy in the right places and making the most of your inner fire?

  As Jupiter retrogrades in Pisces our focus will turn towards our spirituality and connectedness. We may find our  beliefs strengthened, restoring our faith in the world and those around us.  Let your intuition and beliefs guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. This is a good time to reflect on shared opportunities and consider your compassion and grace towards others, your friends, family, community and all those we share the world with.