
The news of an incoming Mercury Retrograde is enough to make many of us quake in our boots, but how often do you consider the other planets and their retrograde seasons? 

Every planet has a season of retrograde, most years. This week, Saturn, the great teacher of time, truth and responsibility, took its turn in the backspinning spotlight. Saturn will be in retrograde until October 23rd in the sign of Aquarius, the rebellious philosopher of the Zodiac, urging us to challenge and change our thoughts and ideas for the good of society.

Saturn Retrograde

Retrogrades challenge us to look deeply within ourselves and explore a different perspective around some of the shadows and hurts we find there. Saturn retrogrades can bring an especially hard pill to swallow as they challenge us to face the truth about our authenticity and how well we are meeting our responsibilities in this lifetime.

 We are all set to face some heavy doses of discipline over these next five months!

Mature and responsible actions along with truth and honesty are the name of the game when it comes to Saturn and this retrograde period will be sure to reveal how and where you haven’t been living your best, and truest, life.

Our Top Tips for this Saturn Retrograde 

  1. Check out where Aquarius is positioned in your birth chart of natal chart. The house Aquarius rules, or is placed in, is the area of life you most need to examine during this Saturn retrograde. 
  • How well are you facing up to your responsibilities here?
  • Are you hiding your own truth and learning behind holding blame for others here?
  • Are you living this area to your life in harmony with your authentic self and with your goals and intentions?

If you don’t have your birth chart, we recommend astro.com as a great place to pull a free chart.

If talk of signs, placements and houses is gobbledygook to you, or you don’t know where Gemini and Taurus are in your chart, then check out our Astrology YouTube playlist here, where we talk you through understanding your own natal chart.

Saturn Retrograde
  1. This Saturn Retrograde is in Aquarius, urging us to face our responsibilities for society and how things could be different.
  • How could you do more to change the experiences of others in society?

 As an Air Sign, Aquarius is all about thought and communication.

  • Where are your thoughts out of alignment with your authentic self?
  • Is the way you communicate with others always kind and aligned to their best interests, as well as your own?
  • Do you hold thoughts that are getting in the way of your truth?

Transiting Saturn retrograde can be a challenging time, bringing feelings of limitation, restriction, anxiety, and fear.  Don’t discount these experiences or allow them to make you feel disheartened and frustrated. Instead, consider where these feelings originate from, examine them, journal them, do the shadow work and grow and transform from them. This is what retrogrades are all about!

Saturn retrogrades remind us of the importance of taking time to take stock and make sure everything is in order. It is a time to be tested to make sure you are ready to take on the extra responsibility of the next stage in your life. The lessons you learn over the next five months might be hard but they will be valuable so stay open to them and ready to face and learn from them.