
Meet Dee Sandom…


Dee is a student in our Holistic Witchery class, as well as our membership community An Enchanted Journey! Here is what she had to say about becoming an Enchanted Sister! 

I found The Sisters Enchanted around 18 months ago, and after a short course on ‘Everyday Magic’ I was hooked and I began signing up to as many classes as possible. I have 11 on my student site at the moment, all at various stages of completion. While the class content was amazing, I really wanted to be a part of the fabulous community the sisters have created. I first signed up for the Enchanted Journey program and loved it so much I had to sign up for the Holistic Witchery program when it started too. 

I was also interested in Holistic Witchery because I 

have back and hip problems that cause me to suffer chronic pain, and I have often wondered if there were any witchy/woo/spiritual/energy things I could try that might help me better manage (or cope with) the constant pain. 

Obviously I’m only partway in to the HW program, but so far I have found the chakra section very interesting, and as a result I have been able to combine some chakra energy work with my existing Reiki practice, which has definitely helped me cope better, as has the positive, and grateful outlook I appear to have adopted through practicing magic every single day. 

Here is a magical tip that Dee had to share with us! 

Magic does not have to be a massive ritual, in fact, my best magic happens when I work a little more off the cuff. It also doesn’t require a whole heap of study, just a little guidance (I get mine from the sisters) plus a grateful heart and a clear intention. 

We love tarot here at The Sisters Enchanted, and so does Dee! Here is a fun fact about her!

While I’ve always loved Tarot and my very first RWS deck, watching Anna and Sara pulling cards from all sorts of different tarot and oracle decks really inspired me. So when I’m not making magic, or taking my classes, you will probably find me on ebay scouring the pages for secondhand decks for my growing collection.