
Meet Wendy

Wendy has been a community member here at The Sisters Enchanted for a year and has just graduated from Expedition Astrology! Check out what Wendy has to say about our courses and being part of our community. 

I’ve been interested in all things magical and the unseen as long as I can remember. I’m pretty sensitive to the energies around me. I started getting more into spells and divination as a teenager. I was the friend who brought the Tarot deck out at parties. As I got older and started working, going to 

Expedition Astrology Graduate

University, got married and had my kiddos, magic and tarot were something that got pushed to the background, it is only recently as my kids are older and want my attention less (my son is 15 and my daughter is 9 going on 15!) that all things magical and witchy have come back into my life.

I joined the TSE community last May when the Tarot Throwdown class popped up in my Facebook feed. I had bought a few new decks and was working on learning how to read the cards without having to use the little white book. That course really made Tarot click for me and I learned so much about the story of the Fool’s journey and how to read intuitively! I joined the Enchanted Journey group soon after and started taking all the courses! My love of magic was reignited.

The community is wonderful. Everyone is so helpful when you have a question and it’s a really positive and supportive space to share. I love seeing what witchy crafts people are making or their Tarot spreads or collaborating on chart interpretation in the Expedition Astrology group. I don’t have anyone in my ‘in-person’ life right now that is into magic or divination, so it helps to have an online community that I can share these things with.

I’ve done Viking Magic, Expedition Astrology, a few of the magic mentor courses and the Living Your Lunar Year. Viking Magic was a whole lot of fun. I learned a whole lot about Runes, Norse Mythology and Viking life and have since incorporated a weekly Rune pull into my own practice.

I just enrolled in Holistic Witchery this January. I have Mercury in Aries and I get so excited and want to learn all the things! 

Astrology has always fascinated me, trying to find out what the stars are telling us. That part of being a Pisces Sun Sign has always resonated with me; I’m drawn to things that are intuitive and otherworldly. I was thrilled to start the Expedition Astrology course and find out there is more than just a person’s Sun Sign, that all the planets in different signs mean different things. And of course, that I can pull up all sorts of charts on the internet without complex math!  Finding out where all my planets were was really like seeing the puzzle of my personality make sense and looking at the charts of my family helps me relate to them and be more understanding of how they deal with things. 

It’s not an exaggeration to say that studying astrology has been life changing for me. When we had the last Mercury in Retrograde and we were having some technology issues (Disney Plus kept re-setting and going back to the start of a WandaVision episode my husband and I were watching) I able to realize what was going on, stay calm, where before I probably would have gotten really frustrated. Even he remarked on how easily I was taking the technological malfunction. I always used to just think it was Italian temper (maybe that too a little) but it’s also having three planets in Aries and all that burst of fire that comes with it.  

I think next, I want to dive more into Health Astrology and I’m particularly interested in exploring certain life transit times too as both my husband and I have a Uranus opposition (aka mid-life crisis) coming up. I work in Health and Wellness in my muggle life teaching fitness classes, and I’d like to see if I can incorporate helping my clients with their fitness routines from an Astrological standpoint as well.

We asked Wendy to give us a pro tip for anyone feeling that they are lacking magic…

One of the best things that the Sister’s Enchanted teaches is that magic doesn’t have to be a complicated ritual with lots of tools if that doesn’t work for you in your life; you can make magic every day and it can be as easy as making an intention of how you want to feel that day when you drink your morning coffee or tea.

An interesting fact to get to know Wendy better

I’ve been a runner since I was thirteen and love to go do fun races where I get to dress up in costume and make a themed playlist. Some of my favorites were the Disneyland Tinkerbell half marathon with pixie wings and pom-poms on my shoes and an intergalactic space cat for the Bay to Breakers here in San Francisco. I’ve got a bunch of sparkle skirts and playlists ready to go once in-person races start opening up again.