
What is the New Age of Aquarius?

The Winter Solstice ‘Great Conjunction’ between Saturn, the great teacher and planet of responsibility, work and stability and Jupiter, the planet of expansion, opportunities and abundance, kick started the exciting New Age of Aquarius. 

Aquarius, the sign of intellect, innovation, change and rebellion for the good of humanity will greatly energise and colour this year. 

The Great Conjunction heralded the new Age of Aquarius, the beginning of a major cosmic shift bringing a time of thought, co-operation, humanitarian care, creativity and rebellion. 

This is the first Great Conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter in an Air Sign for 800 years and so is an exciting time for changing the way we think and communicate and make innovations that will benefit humanity

  • Saturn will be in Aquarius all year (and until 7th March 2023). 
  • Jupiter spends most of 2021 in Aquarius, with a brief interlude in Pisces from 1st August to 17th October
  • Mercury, the planet of logic and communication, is in Aquarius from 8th January to 16th March and has its first retrograde of the year in this innovative sign. 
  • Venus, the planet of desire and love, is in Aquarius from 2nd to 26th February. 
  • The Aquarius Sun from 20th January to 18th February will bring four planets in this exciting, thoughtful and inventive energy at the same time.

Aquarius, the Ending of Plagues and Times of Renaissance

Historically, years dominated by Aquarius in this way have been associated with the end of plagues and times of renaissance. This year is predicted to bring about technical and scientific advances that will see the end of the Coronavirus epidemic and see live back to a new normal from the middle of the year onwards.

It will be a ‘new normal’ because this year will herald a renaissance. 

In Aquarius, Saturn is set to challenge us to use our expertise and our innovation to spread knowledge and benefit all humanity. This will be a period of

scientific and technological advances for the good of all. It will also be a great time of humanitarianism with a pull to share the workload more fairly and feel a greater responsibility for our communities and our world. 2021 is a great year for personal initiatives aimed at making the world a better place and we will all be called to contribute to this at the best of our abilities.

Accountability is a key theme for 2121! 

How can you hold yourself accountable for change 

for the greater good?

Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, expansion, growth and abundance and brings luck and grace to all it touches. All of this is very much needed when it comes to innovation and change for the good of all! Jupiter in Aquarius will help the much-needed advances in health medicine to expand and to help everyone. It will also help us all to see the opportunities for change as our world returns to relative normal after the pandemic.

Mercury in Aquarius between 8th January and 16th March is one of the first events to trigger the Great Conjunction into action. This is a great period for innovative thinking and communication, new ideas, new ways of thinking about things – including spiritual ideals, philosophies and ideals about society and humanity.  It will be a good time globally and personally for developing technology and new ways of communicating but beware of Mercury’s first retrograde of the year between 30th January and 16th March. This may bring some technical glitches, but this is also the time to look inward and really think where you need to change your thought and communication patterns and how you can use your intellect to help the greater good. Mercury in Aquarius will be an abundant period for inventive and creative mind work and for old ideas to crumble.

The urgent need to rethink outdated ideas will be a strong theme for the year, not least during all three of Mercury’s retrogrades in 2021 – all in Air Signs to challenge us to explore and refresh our ways of thinking and communicating!

Venus is in Aquarius between 2nd and 26th February, overlapping the Sun’s period of vitality and creativity in the sign and bringing desire, beauty and love into the innovative melting pot.

Patience at the Start of the Year

We need a little patience in the first three months of the year as the planets settle down in the Aquarius age and we adjust to the changing Cosmic Tide. This may well coincide with more Covid driven restriction, but the promise of change and greater abundance is waiting for us! We may, at times, feel we are back to March 2020 but these are different times, in the Aquarius age of advancement and humanitarian emphasis, and by the time vaccinations and other programs bring an end to the restrictions, we will be ready to innovate, create, change and grow.

This year it could be wise to hold off the New Year’s Resolutions to the Astrological New Year – When the Sun is in Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac.

The planets and ourselves needing time to adjust to the new Cosmic Age before the exciting Aquarius energy can be fully harnessed, and this time  is in alignment with the world not quite yet beyond Covid’s restrictions and uncertainty.

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th. Mars will be in Gemini at this time, the great air sign of logic, communication and gathering experiences. This will be a key time for the momentum of the Aquarius age to gather speed and may be a time when you begin to feel your year has is really kicking off.

The New Moon in Aries on April 11th will be a perfect time to set your resolutions into intentions for the year ahead.

Your Personal Experiences

You will experience the rebellion, change and innovation of Aquarius in all areas of life but most keenly in your Astrological House ruled by Aquarius.