I’m sure you have experienced those times of just ‘knowing’ something, having a feeling in your gut, an instinct. This is your intuition at work. Your intuition is powerful that can help you to make decisions that are healthy and will serve you best, including in your workplace or business.


Why Intuition is important 


Just relying on instinct, without honing and practicing your skills in recognising and following intuition may not be effective. However a well developed intuitive muscle is a great business tool.

Intuition helps you to

  • Create clear goals that relate exactly to who you are in life and can really help you to focus on what you truly want in life and progress towards that goal.
  • Build self-awareness and a good understanding of your colleagues. This helps you to foster happy and productive relationships in the workplace and get the best from your team.
  • To make fast, effective decisions and react to complex or new situations and those that may be dynamic and fast changing – something that every business, no matter its size could really do with the current world and economic climate.


Our top tips to recognise and  strengthen your intuition


  1. Write it down. Keep note of the times that little coincidences occur or the times when you just KNEW something was going to happen but didn’t act on it to begin with. Recording and journaling these events will help you to recognise them in the future, gain confidence and get better and better at spotting and listening to that amazing intuition of yours!
  2. Practice.  Think of a situation that you’d like more insight about. Focus on this situation intently for a few minutes. Dig deep into your intuition. What do you know to be true? Journal your intuitive experience and what happened in the situation. Was your intuition right? 
  3. Listen to your body. How does your body feel when you do something you just know is not right for you? How does it feel when you know you are acting in alignment with your goals, your intentions and your authentic self. Use these physical feelings to help you to listen to your intuition.
  4. Tarot cards and other methods of divination are really great tools to help you to get out of the way of yourself and your ego so you can listen to what your intuition is telling you. Find out how to get started and use cards to develop and build your intuitive muscle here