
Do You Have the Skills to Listen When Your Soul Starts to Speak to You?

 Being able to listen to your Soul, your intuition, your inner wisdom or your higher self starts with being able to reclaim your energy, reclaim what is yours and let go of everything that is not for you. This enables you to have the space and the peace to be able to hear that inner voice.

We are currently in Mercury Retrograde, a time when Mercury, the ruler of our thoughts, perceptions and communication,  appears from the Earth to slow down and spin backwards. This is not really the case, it is just a perception and so this time challenges us to slow down and look at our thoughts and words from a different perspective to see what stories we are telling ourselves need to change and how we may communicate more effectively – including how we listen to our Soul when it starts to speak to us!

Check out our blog on Mercury Retrograde here to discover more about what is going on at this time and make Mercury Retrograde work for you, rather than feel it is working against you!

During this Mercury Retrograde time your Soul will really start to speak to you about your thoughts and perceptions that need your attention.

Do you have the skills to be able to listen?

Being able to listen to your Soul, your intuition, your inner wisdom or your higher self starts with being able to reclaim your energy, reclaim what is yours and let go of everything that is not for you. This enables you to have the space and the peace to be able to hear that inner voice.

 What is Reclaiming Your Energy and How Can I do it?

 We are all only too well aware that we spread ourselves and our energy pretty thinly in life – between those around us we love and everything else that is going on in the world around us.

Through each and every day, you spread a web, much like a spider’s web of energy around you. Everyone and everything you touch through the day takes some of your energy and leaves you with energy in return. It is little wonder you may feel exhausted, scattered and overwhelmed by the end of the day and that these feelings can mount up over time.

But the good news is that you can reclaim your energy and release that you do not need to be carrying around with you.

You can do this through visualizing all your energy returning to you and brushing yourself clean of the energy that is sticking around you unwanted and unneeded. 

You can literally brush yourself down to release the energy you do not want to be carrying around and to free yourself of the webs creating channels for others to take your energy away from you.  You may want to use a crystal wand, herbs, oils or incense to do this or you can simply use your hands in gesture. 

You can use breathwork, carry crystals, and drink herbal teas. 

Once you reclaim what is yours and dust off what is everyone elses you will start to hear the voice of your intuition, your inner voice, your higher self, your Soul coming through to you.

But have you got the skills to listen?

Listening to Your Soul

When you are not listening to your Soul you can feel a sense of overwhelm, anxiety about what is coming next for you, or a sense that you are not quite in alignment with what you should be doing in life, that something better is always waiting for you around the corner but you never quite get to it.

When you are able to listen to your Soul it is so much easier to create change and momentum and bring your intentions and the things you are manifesting into being. 

All of this starts with knowing what is yours and what you are carrying around that is not yours – the opinions or judgements of others, things that they would have you do and their energies that weigh you down.

All of this can make it harder for you to trust your intuition and be able to recognise it from your ego and what others may want for you, rather than hearing what it is your Soul desires.

You can carry out a wonderful ritual to reclaim your energy and then the phone rings or someone asks you what is for dinner for the upteenth day in a row and that energy web is up again.

To be able to really hear and trust what is yours and what is for you, to hear what your Soul or higher self is saying, you need to develop an ongoing practise of being able to stay grounded and able to constantly reclaim your energy and release what is not for you. 

You can create a regular practise by working with the Moon through the Lunar Cycle,  or working through your Energy Centers to release and reclaim your energy through each of them.

You can work with crystals – wearing them, carrying them, placing them in your home or in grids, or with herbs in cooking, teas, poultice or a herbal bag or pillow.

There are many tools you can use for reclaiming your energy and we teach a lot of this in much greater detail in our Holistic Witchery program.

A regular practice or reclaiming your energy enables you to recognise what you need to be able to move forward and stay focused on your intentions and to dust off everyone else’s stuff that gets in your way. 

You have the agency to release yourself from the things that drain your energy.  We can’t always do much about what others are doing BUT we can control how much we allow others to impact our energy!

It is helpful to think of that energy web we weave as a web of energy channels. 

You can’t stop that web being created as you move through the world and others you share it with throughout the day.  But you can take back your energy traveling out through that web and you can brush that web away,  closing off the channels that enable situations you have been in and other people to put energy on you. You can release yourself from carrying that around with you.

THEN you will know that that inner voice you hear is from within because it has to be, you have pulled in all your own energy and released yourself from anything else that may be speaking to you.

It’s all about making healthy boundaries and being able to say no to what is not yours and is not for you and yes to creating the peace and the space you need to listen to your intuition.

Being able to listen to your Soul starts with being able to reclaim what is yours and let go of everything that is not for you. 

When you are not listening to our Soul you can feel a sense of overwhelm, anxiety about what is coming next for us, or a feeling you are not doing what you should be doing in life,  that something better is always waiting for you around the corner but you never quite get to it.

When you are able to listen to your Soul it is so much easier to create change and momentum and bring your intentions and the things you are manifesting into being. 

You have the agency to release yourself from the things that drain your energy.